Nothing has ever been achieved in this world without the sweat of hard work. Mere dreaming never creates successful people. People excel in their respective fields as a result of their labour. Excellence is the reward of labour. Our school’s motto THERE IS NO EXCELLENCE WITHOUT LABOUR, inspires the young citizens to excel as a result of their optimistic thoughts and hard work.
Kunil Educational Institute which is spread across 3 acres of land, not far away from the city yet within the city limits, provides fresh air and ample opportunities for the holistic development of the children to become accomplished individuals in many ways; happy and confident of leading their lot to a bright future.
The Kunil Educational Institute Badiadka is located in the birthplace of the famous poet late Dr. Kayyara Kinhanna Rai. The State Highway to Karnataka passes through the town. Badiadka is the land of sports, arts and literature.
In the year 2004, Kunil Educational Institute Badiadka with CBSE code 931124 came into existence. The vision of the school is to prepare dynamic and caring citizens of tomorrow to meet the challenges of a global society while retaining their traditional values. our constant endeavor to provide a holistic education that prepares our students from kindergarten through primary and secondary school for challenges that lie ahead.
We strive to provide a learning environment that fires the imagination, inspires the mind and kindles creativity. We aim for all-round development of children by providing them with an education that balances academics with cultural, emotional, physical and mental development.
While you enter a new academic year, I would suggest that besides learning and being good at subjects like English, Science, Math and others; learning the precious value of life is also equally important. These should constitute the foundation for your higher education, career, family life, social life, religious life and even while fulfilling your responsibilities towards the society and nation at large.
The world is changing; it is getting more competitive and at the same time offering enormous opportunities to those who possess appropriate skills, the right attitude and an innovative mind.
Technology and innovation are going to be the key facilitators of success in the future. Dream big, think big, experiment and be passionate in whatever you do. Challenge the norms, create new and make your identity. We all live in the age of instant results and quick fixes. Today, we can do most things at the click of a button- thanks to the digital revolution.
But what we must not forget is that success does not come this way. It cannot be achieved instantly. It only comes with sheer hard work, dedication pushing oneself beyond one’s capabilities, striving for excellence and making the best of opportunities. If you are passionate about something, then follow your passion and success will be yours. I always say “There is no substitute for hard work”.
We have to accept the changes and challenges of life and be mentally focused, strong and determined. Keep learning about new things, God has created infinite capacity in you, make use of it; handle adverse situations fearlessly, with courage. I remember Mahatma Gandhiji’s advice which holds great relevance even today: ‘live as if you were to die tomorrow but learn as if you were to live forever’ I am confident that if you cherish and live these values, you will go a long way and achieve success in all spheres of life!
Wishing you all the very best!
With Regards,
Dr. Fakhruddin Kunil
Kunil group of School
We welcome you to Kunil Educational Institute , to a world of learning in enjoyable ways, to a world where every child is challenged to grow to his or her full potential. Our goal is to equip children to think and act critically and to be creative in their responses. At the same time, we like them to be aware of their history and be appreciative of the traditions of our civilization. We encourage them to be aware of alternative views of the world and to be perceptive and supportive of the world around them. Thus, we synthesize internationally acclaimed pedagogical practices with India’s rich educational and cultural heritage.
With Regards,
Dr. Mohammed Haneef Adka
Managing Director
Kunil group of School
“If our school is a pen, the parents are the ink; joining together we can write the success story of educational development of our children.”
The purpose of education is not just to produce academicians but also to develop humane and sensitive citizens. At Kunil Education Institute, we ensure that a congenial environment for learning is maintained while making sure that children have enough opportunities to develop their personal and interpersonal skills.
Our teachers are well qualified & share a passion for teaching, thereby bringing out the best in both themselves and their students. We edify our students in classical as well as contemporary models of learning while giving them a solid foundation in cultural insights of the world.
We firmly believe that parents role in the Child’s educational development is crucial. It is the parents who are the first GURU of the child. So we create mutual respect and strive to establish continuous communication between parents, teachers and administration.
We pride ourselves on creating a culture of learning where students are free to express or share their interest in variety of fields while developing their character as well. Delayed gratification, integrity, civic consciousness and the willingness not to give up, these are the values that we seek to inculcate in our students. With extra-curricular classes, a strong emphasis on communication skills and activities mean to foster cultural understanding, the students of our school emerges as elucidated and responsible citizen of the world.
Kunil Education Institute is more than an ordinary school. We encourage students to embark on difficult, challenging journeys that stretch their potential. But we do so with an unyielding faith in capacities of our teachers and students. The management and staff of Kunil Education Institute is deeply committed to work tirelessly in order to make our students’ learning experience an exciting and elucidating one.
With Regards,
Mr. Fahad Iqbal Pothiawala
Managing Director
Kunil group of School
Dear friends,
Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year, an academic year that is unlike any other we have experienced before in the Kunil Educational Institute.
As we begin the 2021-2022 school year, our teachers’ commitment to providing high-quality, virtual education is evident. Although meeting each student where they are and pushing them to improve is challenging in the best of times, virtual instruction presents new complications. Our staff continues to evaluate and improve digital learning by asking tough questions, such as “What classroom expectations need to be in place to ensure that all students have a voice in a Google Meet session?” and “How can we teachers continue to provide differentiated instruction digitally so that all students, whether advanced or in need of more support, receive the attention they need to be successful?”. This is the challenging and rewarding work of education, albeit with a new layer of complexity.
Education enables a person to face new challenges, achieve progresses and lead a successful life. I, therefore, would like to encourage all students to acquire right education through right educational institution. I appreciate both the parents and the students for having made a right choice of choosing Kunil Educational Institute. Education at Kunil Educational Institute is neither just about academic brilliance nor a consistent return, but an ambience where culture and human skills meet together. The institute undertook a series of reforming exercises to become what it has become today. We now welcome students to come forward to experience the difference. Keeping abreast of this contemporary world of cut throat competitions, we the Kunil Educational Institute team, aim at creating an inter-disciplinary and a holistic academic environment that enable students to gain knowledge without stress. I do strongly believe in my spirited staff members’ capacity to build up the school as one among the leading schools in the region. I am delighted to welcome all the students to this world of Education and my best wishes for them to unlock and realize their potential.
At Kunil Educational Institute, we believe that our students deserve a joyful, lovely learning environment, and we are excited to (safely) welcome our students back to our school buildings. Whether a student is in kindergarten, we know that school plays an important role, not only in growing their ability to read, write, analyze, and compute, but also in fostering the development of their hopes, dreams, and aspirations for their future.
Whatever opportunities and challenges this year holds for us at Kunil Educational Institute, I know that our students, staff, and families will face them together.
Vikram Datta,
''Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world''
Kunil Educational Institute aims to create a supportive and inclusive environment where talented students are encouraged to explore their potential and achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life. We always motivate and vitalize our students with new zeal and vigor to unveil their potentiality and hidden talent . We let them strive to expose their ingenuity . Kunil Educational Institute provides a dynamic learning environment which enriches the students with contemporary educational experience, enabling them to lead tomorrow's world.I expect sincere cooperation from parents and guardians for the attainment of our school's objectives.
With Regards,
Rethi PV
Kunil group of School
A robust co-curricular program is implemented to enhance the theoretical knowledge of classrooms. With the motive to enhance confidence, self-esteem, leadership, creativity, team spirit, patriotism, sympathy, empathy in a child, various activities and competitions are organized regularly under the guidance and supervision of able hands in the areas of literature, art, music, dance and technology to name a few.
Arts are conducted to express feelings, emotions, opinions or taste through visual means such as painting, drawing or performances of music, dance, theatre and public speaking.
Assemblies are conducted on various themes at regular intervals to instil values in the students and create social awareness about various issues through dance, drama, music. It also promotes development of key social, emotional, cognitive and academic life skills.
Hobby Clubs are conducted every week to give a break to the students from the routine of the classrooms. These clubs ranging from Speech and Drama, Ballet, Taekwondo, Cookery, Astronomy etc., aims at a holistic development of the child.
Yoga classes are conducted regularly to promote the physical and emotional well-being of the students through planned curriculum.
Stay back classes by specialized coaching programme in various sports are organized for interested students after school hours.
The school conducts various external examinations like Olympiads, Spelling Bee, NSTSE, Cambridge Exams, All India G.K. Exams etc., to prepare and be assessed as per international standards.
The school conducts inter-house games, athletic meet and cultural competitions every year. Students have to participate in at least two items as per the general instructions given by the school authorities.
CBSE Zonal / District events – In group events the pupils will be accompanied by school teachers and transport facility will be proved to and from the venue to school.
For matches other than the ones above mentioned, the parents shall be fully responsible in complying with the matches’ requirements, commutation, etc.
Any event which is attended by just one pupil, the parents of that pupil will have to accompany the him / her to the venue.
The candidate must have completed five & half years of age on first of June to be eligible for Class I.
Applications for admission should be made in the prescribed form which can be obtained from the school office, along with the Birth Certificate or the Transfer Certificate, whichever is applicable. Every pupil on admission shall pay the prescribed fees.
The application form for admission must be legibly and properly signed by the candidate’s father or mother or in their absence by a Guardian who has been authorized by the parents to do so. This letter of authorization duly signed along with affixing the left thumb’s impression, must be enclosed along with the admission form.
No alteration in the Date of Birth or name will be allowed without age approval of the government or concerned authorities.
To impart sound education through the medium of English in an atmosphere of Islamic brotherhood, love and concern.
To promote emotional and national Integration.
To impart spiritual and moral values.
To inculcate values, attitudes, habits and skills which will help in the creation of a new social order based on human dignity, equality of opportunity and social, political and economic justice. In short, to be true to its Islamic heritage, the school attempts to relate its programs to the life, needs and aspirations of the individual, society and the Nation of the concerned authorities.
To provide holistic education in a stress free, supportive and safe environment.
100% Results achieved from 2010 onwards
In Sahodaya sports meet , our students runners up trophy.
Two of our students headed by Srihari and Akshaya from 2019/20 batch selected for National level Science meet.
Successfully conducted NEET UG 2020 and 2021.
Successfully conducted Science exhibition.
Successfully conducted District Quiz competition.
The pupil is a member of the school library.
Silence must be observed in the library.
Books will be issued to students from std. V and upwards during the library period mentioned in the time table.
The pupil is expected to take care of the library books. Writing or any marking on a book is strictly forbidden.
Any book lost must be replaced or duly compensated for. Fine will be levied for damage of borrowed books.
Reference books and other books like the Dictionary and Encyclopaedia etc., cannot be taken home. They are to be read only within the library.
Books should be returned on or before the due date as indicated without fail. Failure to return the books on the assigned day will attract fine.
No book, magazine or newspaper should be taken out without the permission of the librarian.
Silence should be observed during experiments in the laboratory & while working in the computer room.
The instructions given by the teacher must be followed.
The pupil will be responsible for any breakage or loss of the apparatus which is used in the experiment. Breakage or loss should be reported to the teacher immediately.
The pupil shall bring proper record books and observations to laboratory immediately after the experiments are performed.
The pupil should hand over the chemicals and apparatus taken for experiments to the teacher when the experiment is over. Movement of chemical or apparatus into or outside the laboratory is allowed only with permission from the concerned teacher.
The pupil should strictly adhere to the safety rules and regulations while in laboratory.
The school provides school bus services to the pupil who opt for such service by filling the related form in this regard. The school bus will stop only at the given bus stop and the list of such bus-stops may be obtained from the Administrator, at the time of admission. Bus stops cannot be changed under the whims and fancies of the parents / pupil. Should there be a change in the location of the residence of the pupil, a form to this effect has to be filled so that the pupil may be allotted to the bus that caters to his / her locality. The pupil will be given the pick-up time and is expected to be at the pick-up spot when the bus arrives.
The Administrator, who is in charge of the Transport Department, may be contacted, to share your feedback or grievances if any in relation to the transport service.
Sunith J Rai
Vice Principal
Usha Kumari K
Revathi B
Surekha KV
Amitha NK
Gunasheela K N
Shashikala M
Rahul C P
Raju V M
Ramya Shetty
Rajeshwari D
Sunitha B
Preetha BK
Jyothilaxmi M
Savitha K Shetty
Bhavishya B
Aruna Kumari B
Sunitha Shreya D Souza
Vidyadevi Vishwabharathi
Bhavya P